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Hoss meets Pinball at Mississauga Half

Race: Mississauga Half Marathon
Date: Sunday May 11, 2008.
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Sport: Running Race

Quite simply, I wanted to run a sub 1:40 half-marathon and I did 1:38:59. Therefore, I was happy with today’s performance, considering that I ran in 1:46 last year.

This was my 5th year running the event and it is still one of my favourites because of the course, time of year, and organization.

I did have one complaint and that was the taste of the water at the aid stations. Major chlorine taste. It was as if they scooped it from their backyard swimming pool. My stomach is still acting up 12 hours after the race. I skipped a bunch of aid stations because I could not take in more of the stuff. Who knows? I do not think it was just me because I heard some comments from other racers too.

As I said before I was happy with what I did, but not overjoyed. I had a faster time within reach but my usual finishing 4-5 km kick was not there. My legs were toast. My quads were tight, my chronic left Achilles, calf and soleus problems surfaced, a nasty blister was developing by my right big toe, and add to that the strong wind during that final stretch. I just tried to maintain some sort of tempo to make sure that I at least got my sub 1:40. Not quite like the good ole days of 1:28, but I was also 20 pounds lighter then too.

I was near perfect conditions for running. I wore my Team Running Free long sleeve top, Running Free running vest, CW-X Expert Tights,

Fox River socks, and Mizuno Elixir 3. I was a bit hot and could have just worn a short sleeve top but I knew that I would be chilly post race so I went with this set-up.

I am a huge fan of Mike “Pinball” Clemons (A class act, and he cut a promo for me during my radio broadcasting days) and post-race I was right beside him (and his daughters) waiting for his wife to finish the half-marathon. As she approached the finish with her friend, he took a picture, ran up to both of them, and handed them both a bouquet of flowers. He got a huge “Aawwww” from everyone of course.

Now I look forward to switching gears to some longer training hours for Ironman Lake Placid in July. My next race will be the Lakeside Duathlon in June. And to my Mom, Happy Mother’s Day!!!

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