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The Beav Trail Race 50 k

I have wanted to run one of Jeff Rowthorn’s Happy Trails races for years, and have just eclipsed the opportunity with one of my finest races ever… this review is not based on my performance, rather from the unique flare of this location and fine hosting !!!

Held at Hilton Falls Conservation Area… it’s a 25 km loop for my distance, so you run it twice… the weather is a mystery this time of year, held first weekend in November… will it snow, rain, be muddy, maybe even a beaver creates a dam and floods the course, literally haha… 

This year it would be a rainy night and morning, yet during the race it stopped and was just an overcast and cloudy day, which in my opinion has many advantages without a sunny glare over the terrain… 

Was their mud, oh yes; was there some sketchy slippery rock, oh yes… but these sections were sparse and were short in duration… the majority of this trail is double and single track trails with prime footing, limited technicality, and turbo runnable, so much that four of us could traverse under 2 hours for the first loop… 

I loved the course marking, mixed with flagging and orange arrows on the ground, leaving you very limited chances of steering off course… 

I had the opportunity to race some stellar runners and the contingency was so hyped that it truly invigorated my fiery to test limits and we elevated our performances out there no doubt… 

Hilton Falls has many rapids and waterfalls and it’s rich soil smells have you enchanted… the set up for aid stations was great, one at 5 and 20 and one at 8 and 17 ish… you can get away with one handheld and fill throughout if you want to keep weight down to a minimum which a true bonus!

Because of the loop course and other races going at various times, you were never alone out there, I think it’s a very underrated benefit when you always see people either going the other way or you are running in the same direction… the shared space is a blessing … and the shout outs are like micro doses of endorphins !!! 

The very best thing about this race has to be the swag… a buff and top of the line hoodie, for a descent value!!! The medal is also very unique to all finishers and the plaque I received for winning the event was very memorable… chatting with local runners after the race was a highlight; I love how easily you can talk with absolute strangers and yet feel bonded as friends instantly from a mutual affinity for this sport !!! 

Jeff and his team are a well oiled machine; they have the organizational competency with the correct amount of stoke that has me thinking I’m coming back for another one of their races next year… if not the same one haha… 

I feel very grateful my legs were ready for the task; I stayed fairly patient the first half and made an aggressive move at around 33 k catching two racers and the leader at around 43 and never looked back; strategically a mighty run and the spirit of competition has me amped to close the season on quite a high note… happy trails 🙂 


passionate trail blazer, yogi, peacemaker, coach and dad... I like to think of life as an exploratory adventure, deepening my relationship with time, to maximize opportunities, so to learn, to experiment, to understand myself, so that I may cultivate meaning and derive happiness and to pay it forward to my children, family, community!

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