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Footwear- An Extrospection

 In the last few months like most who run have read Christopher McDougall’s Born To Run.  And have looked at it and tried to connect what we take from it into our own running. One area the book covers is footwear specifically running shoes and it’s effect on the human body.

Now I’m not going to focus on running specifically but on something I have observed and experienced as well. I have the privlege of working for the military at CFB Kingston. While there I have watched hundreds of soldiers to runs in combat boots.  Why are combat boots significant? Having been a infantryman for a few years I have worn the standard issue combat boot. The combat boot is a hard soled, non cushioned, and  barely supportive. Everything that all the experts in footwear would tell us is bad. Yet like every soldier I have done 20km marches, hauled 200lb pack with webbing and rifle, run 15km or more, fire and movement drills just to name a few. Yet despite what we are led to believe none of us are crippled or failed to meet the task.

How is this possible? The boots have no wedges, shims, and any other shoe wizardry built into them. So if it isn’t the footwear then it must be the human body that does it. And that is what happens. This is why soldiers start with a 2km run and marches wth only 50lb packs. It is so the soldiers body will adapt and function as it is supposed to do naturally. And they do adapt and get stronger.

Speaking from experience this does work. Because if it didn’t I would be a cripple and never able to run again.

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