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7Systems Endurance Sport Supplements

I recently changed from using a generic multivitamin to something I’d read and heard about from fellow endurance athletes…  7Systems.  What peaked my interest was that it is designed for endurance athletes in mind, targeting the demands we require.  Previously I was reading literature trying to find those supplements to help keep my vitamin levels in check, combat common colds, reduce inflammation from overuse and keep my cardiovascular system strong.  I was taking 3 or 4 other pills along with my multivitamin hoping I was getting the job done.  Occasionally when I’d run out of a supplement I would just go without for a week or two until I had time to stop by a store that sold it.

7Systems has taken the work out of trying to keep up with every pill required for us who push our cardiovascular limits.  Each 30-day canister contains 9 different pills in a conveniently wrapped package.  Within each daily package you have the requirements for basic body needs (vitamins, minerals and antioxidants) and your critical system support.  Critical system support is where 7Systems obtains it’s name – 7 key areas which help an endurance athlete maintain their health – the muscular system, immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, skeletal system and cardiovascular system.  More information on all the supplements comprising each system can be found on the 7Systems website.

Alright… enough tech talk, this is an athlete review.  For the 4 months since I’ve started to use 7Systems, I have not been sick once and felt great for the high impact/stress racing season.  I have no need to count pills left in one container, or worry about another supplement that might help my performance or reduce my chance of sickness or injury.  I plan to continue taking 7Systems through the cold/flu-ridden winter and hope it will continue to do the great work it’s done so far.  While some might say the price is a little high for a daily supplement… try configuring your own using the same ingredients and I think you’ll be hard pressed to produce the same results for the same amount of money plus the time and hassle.  Or ask yourself when you are bedridden with a cold this winter how much you’d pay to be back at 100%… suddenly you’ll find yourself pretty anxious to be taking 7Systems.

And if I can’t convince you this stuff works, ask Simon Whitfield, Ray Zahab, Jasper Blake or the host of other elite athletes using 7Systems as part of their daily routine.

You can purchase 7Systems at your local Running Free or online here.

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One comment

  • Just came across this article about supplements and performance. I see it was posted about 2 years, 3 months ago. Does the original poster of the article have anything to say about the 7S supplements now that he presumably has been using them for 2 plus years?

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