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Hamilton Road2Hope

In July of 2010, my boyfriend and I mutually decided that we wanted to find a hobby we could share. Richard has always been a very athletic and self-determined individual, and me, on the other hand – I’ve always needed that little push to get me going. One day, after hearing about the Running Free (RF) clinics, Richard went out to do hills with the group. He came home that night pumped and excited for next week’s clinic. He couldn’t stop talking about how nice the people are, how great of a workout it was and just, generally, how fun it was. This helped persuade my decision to also go to the clinic and start running. My vision was that it would be a hobby Richard and I could both do to maintain our fitness and we would meet people in our new hometown of Milton, ON.

I’d previously ran before… if you count “running” as 100 meter jogs around a small pond down the street from my house. Starting with the clinics made me a bit nervous, but I went out that following week and climbed the hill 4 times and somehow got hooked. I continued going, week after week. Soon, I found that I was thoroughly enjoying running and the social aspect that came along with being apart of a group. I noticed my running becoming stronger and I was able to run for longer distances without having to stop (although I never hated reaching those stop lights!!)

I got to talking to many of the other runners and hit the realization that their goals far exceeded my own. Half Marathons, Full Marathons & Ultras. Jane Wood, the Milton RF Store Owner, had just come back from completing her first full Ironman! WOW, I was standing amongst some intensely motivated and inspiring people. I’d began to wonder if I, too, could do a race. Maybe a 5k or 10k. Everything changed as I expressed my hopes of possibly doing my first race in the New Year.

The Hamilton Road 2 Hope was coming up and everyone made sure I knew about it. “Why wait until the New Year? Lesley, you could do a half… at
Hamilton!!” This was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! Me? A half? My brain flooded with doubts and laughter, but somehow all I heard myself saying was “Really? Ok.” Kelly, from RF, set me up with a Half Marathon training plan and, although, I was starting a bit late in the program, I was assured that I would be able to complete the distance. I began training and found myself digging to get better – determination (this was a new word in my vocabulary).Finally, I expressed my doubts to Richard. After completing his first full marathon at Scotiabank 2010, only a few short months after starting to run, he was ready for his next endeavor. He eased my hesitations by committing to run along side me at my first race. He promised to help keep me on pace and to just be there, when I needed some added motivation. This helped. Knowing he would be there to help me get to the finish line. Race Day came and I had a fantastic run. Although it was my very first race, I made a goal that I’d like to cross sub 2 hours. My official time that day was 1:52:43! After crossing the finish line, feeling proud and ambient, I knew I wanted to do another one, to better my time.

Many races came through during the 2011 season, along with many accomplishments. I PB’d my half time in March 2011 at the Chili Half Marathon. In May 2011, I ran my first full marathon, beating my goal by almost 5 minutes and qualifying for the Boston Marathon with a time of 3:35:27.

November swung around and I decided it was time to really test how far I have come in the year. I faced the Hamilton Road 2 Hope Half Marathon for the second time. I love this race. It brang me back to where it all began – all my pre-run doubts, my first race, the feeling of accomplishment post-run. Going into the race in 2011, my state of mind was definitely different than in 2010. I knew I could run the distance, I now just doubted how FAST I could run the distance.

Luckily, Richard decided to run with me again, you know, to give me that added bit of motivation (and to yell at me here and there when I needed it…). I felt good knowing that I would have him there again to help me get to the finish line. I remembered all the parts I struggled at during my first race experience and I kept that in mind throughout the course (nonetheless, I struggled at the same parts – dammit!). I still managed to beat my goal of 1:45:00, with an official time of 1:44:46 – close one!

I owe lots of my running motivation to the Hamilton Road 2 Hope race. Its a great race, that is extremely well organized. They have this down to a “T.” Although the aid stations aren’t particularily amazingly organized, the general atmosphere and run is exhilerating. Post-Run you are treated to a pretty decent line of food, including pizza (mmm) and warm soup. If it wasn’t for a splendid and enjoyable first racing experience, I don’t know if my self determination would have flourished so rapidly. Now, I don’t need that little push to get up and go as often as I used to. Now, Richard can focus on his own fitness, while I maintain mine too. It’s a win, win.

AND! For those who think they “cant do it.” Trust me, you can! I used to be the queen of that phrase and, let me tell you, the second you erase that verse from your vocabulary is the same second you will find your goals beginning to be in better focus.

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