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Fox River Socks…aka superheros for your feet I head out to buy some new gear, socks are not usually what come to mind.  I’d rather be leaving with a new gadget or pair of shoes.  If you consider yourself a sock aficionado, then you best stop reading right now.  This will be a waste of your time. You will have already been exposed to Fox River socks, and you love them.  This is for those of you who have yet to experience total foot comfort, or are considering making an entrance into the world of happy feet.  Just place these woollen little gems of perfection on your ground destroyers and they will go to work.

Running on biting cold days will no longer be an issue…at least for Fox River feet.  Don’t be alarmed when confusion sets in, it is normal.  Your feet will begin to feel as though they are warming by the fire, while your snot is busy sticking your nostrils together, and the wind is making you wish that you had taken up bowling instead.  Come to think of it, Fox River socks would make bowling shoes a lot more comfortable too…but I digress. to run on sweltering hot days? No problem for Fox River socks!  They soak up the sweat and send it packing. This allows you to continue to deplete your body of fluids and electrolytes, all while putting many comfortable kilometres behind you, and “working on your tan” (heart rate monitor strap tan lines not included.  Fox River cannot be held responsible for the reactions you may receive from family and friends regarding said tan lines).

Just when you thought they have reached their full potential, they will surprise you yet again.  Trying to find an excuse not to run?  You are going to have to come up with something better than a blister on your foot! If you are a consistent wearer of Fox River socks then there are not going to be any to complain about. The folks at Fox River have trained each and every pair to seek out hot spots and destroy them, so that you can destroy the next race course.  No need to fret about repeated washes either.  These fibres are going to stay as tight as the abs you are going to have from training so hard.  After their bath it’s as if they recall the last time they hugged your foot and immediately pick up where they left off.

I am not saying that Fox River socks are going to make running easy, but they will create a lasting friendship with your feet.  What more could an athlete ask for?

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