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Pick your Poison Trail Race 2015


Event: Pick your Poison Trail Race 2015

Date: April 25 2015

Location: Horseshoe Valley Resort, Barrie Ont.

This is my first season as part of the running free team, and here I am posting my first race review of the 2015 season so I’m keeping it short.

My preference for running has mostly involved trails,  and this was going to be a great start. The weather was a cool 5 degrees but very sunny. I arrived early to find ample parking with race volunteers going about setting up the start/finish area. The lodge was undergoing renovations and the staff seemed to be doing their best to keep registration short and organized. The swag  bag for this event is very unique in that you receive a custom jar of honey and a cool cotton T shirt with your entry.

This event is part of the OUS series and consisted of 12.5/25/50k distances. I am running the . 12.5 distance, due to so much snow still in my area, I had not done much hill training except on my treadmill. The feel of this run is very casual, the start was quick as everyone counted down, and then we were off.

We followed a 3km flat trail as all the runners started to spread apart towards the start of the hillier terrain. The trails were a mix of single path and some wider open areas, covered by last years fall leaves (slipping on them or hiding a hole in the ground). The trails wrap around the front and backside of the resort ski hills making for some great climbs. There was still some snow on the hills which made for some fun to wade through.

The trails were mostly well marked and staffed with very enthusiastic volunteers where necessary. There were two well stocked water stations along the route at well spaced intervals. The 12.5k loop consisted of 3-4 long ascent/descents before returning to the lodge area. The combined views and enthusiastic participants made for a very positive atmosphere to run in. I knew that I wasn’t properly prepared for the 340m of elevation change, but I made the entire route feeling good. As you cross the finish line, a person asks you your sock size and you’re given a custom pair of PYP performance socks.

I did some stretching, changed and headed to the lodge to enjoy some BBQ and fresh salads. As we were eating, the race results were being posted outside. From the deck area you had a great view to watch as the 25/50k runners coming over the hills. This was a well organized and rewarding event, well done PYP.

Thanks for a great start to my season. See you next year.

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